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Secure Communication Paths

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+ + Mar 15, 2017 + + + +
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As illustrated in the following figure, Drill 1.10 features five secure communication paths. Security features for each communication path are described their respective sections.

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  1. Web client to drillbit
  2. +
  3. C++ client to drillbit
  4. +
  5. Java client to drillbit
  6. +
  7. Java client and drillbit to ZooKeeper
  8. +
  9. Drillbit to storage plugin
  10. +
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Secure Communication Paths

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Web Client to Drillbit

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The Web Console and REST API clients are web clients. Web clients can:

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  • Submit and monitor queries
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  • Configure storage plugins
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Impersonation and authorization are available through the web clients only when authentication is enabled. Otherwise, the user identity is unknown.

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Security CapabilityDescriptionReference
AuthenticationUsers authenticate to a drillbit using a username and password form authenticator. By default, authentication is disabled.Configuring Web Console and REST API Security
ImpersonationDrill acts on behalf of the user on the session. This is usually the connection user (or the user that authenticates). This user can impersonate another user, which is allowed if the connection user is authorized to impersonate the target user based on the inbound impersonation policies (USER role). By default, impersonation is disabled.Configuring User Impersonation and Configuring Inbound Impersonation
AuthorizationQueries execute on behalf of the web user. Users and administrators have different navigation bars. Various tabs are shown based on privileges. For example, only administrators can see the Storage tab and create/read/update/delete storage plugin configuration.Configuring Web Console and REST API Security
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Java and C++ Client to Drillbit

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Java (native or JDBC) and C++ (native or ODBC) clients submit queries to Drill. BI tools use the ODBC or JDBC API.

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Security CapabilityDescriptionReference
AuthenticationUsers authenticate to a drillbit using Kerberos, Plain (username and password through PAM), and Custom authenticator (username and password). By default, user authentication is disabled.Configuring User Authentication
ImpersonationDrill acts on behalf of the user on the session. This is usually the connection user (or the user that authenticates). This user can impersonate another user. This is allowed if the connection user is authorized to impersonate the target user based on the inbound impersonation policies (USER role). By default, impersonation is disabled.Configuring User Impersonation and Configuring Inbound Impersonation
AuthorizationA user can execute queries on data that he/she has access to. Each storage plugin manages the read/write permissions. Users can create views on top of data to provide granular access to that data. The user sets read permissions to appropriate users and/or groups. System-level options can only be changed by administrators (USER role). By default, only the process user is an administrator. This is available if authentication is enabled.Configuring User Impersonation/Impersonation and Views
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Drill Client and Drillbit to ZooKeeper

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Drill clients and drillbits communicate with ZooKeeper to obtain the list of active drillbits. Drillbits store system-level options and running query profiles.

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Security CapabilityDescriptionReference
AuthenticationNot fully supported.Configuring User Authentication
AuthorizationDrill does not set ACLs on ZooKeeper nodes (znode).
EncryptionNot fully supported.ZooKeeper SSL User Guide
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Drillbit to Hive Storage Plugin

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The planner accesses the Hive Metastore for metadata. During execution, query fragments scan data from Hive using the Hive storage plugin.

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Security CapabilityDescriptionReference
AuthenticationDrillbit is a client to the Hive Metastore. Authentication options include Kerberos and DIGEST. By default, authentication is disabled.Kerberos (if Hive impersonation is disabled and Kerberos principal is mentioned) and DIGEST (the only supported mechanism when Hive impersonation is enabled and SASL is enabled).
ImpersonationWhile accessing Hive Metastore, Hive impersonation setting in the storage plugin configuration overrides Drill’s impersonation setting. While scanning data in Hive, Drill impersonation is applied.Configuring User Impersonation
AuthorizationDrill supports SQL standard-based authorization and storage-based authorization.Configuring User Impersonation with Hive Authorization
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